Avatar: The Last Airbender – Every Known User Of Lavabending

Not just anyone can master Lavabending in the Avatar franchise. Fans have witnessed only a handful of users employ Lavabending over the years.


  • Lavabending is a dangerous yet powerful Bending Specialization that involves controlling molten earth and lava inside volcanoes.
  • Avatar Szeto, Kyoshi, Roku, and Aang all demonstrated impressive feats with Lavabending, showcasing their mastery over this elemental force.
  • Ghazan stands out as one of the most talented Lavabenders in the series, demonstrating destructive power with his ability to melt structures.

Given the Waterbending focus of the Netflix adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the heavy-hitting nature of Earthbending didn’t get as much exposure during Aang’s recent awakening and attempt to save the Northern Water Tribe. However, as fights with King Bumi and showcases from Avatar Kyoshi had implied, Aang’s eventual encounters with Earthbending may involve more than just bending the forces of the earth to his will. In fact, some Earthbenders have demonstrated to control the very heat inside the earth, unlocking the sheer wrath of lava.



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Known as Lavabending, this Bending Specialization involves the manipulation of molten earth, be it through changing the earth into lava or controlling the very lava inside volcanoes. When left untrained, Lavabending can result in wanton devastation around the user. And when used right, this Specialization can turn the very earth against its opponents. However, just who were the best Lavabenders in The Last Airbender, and what was the extent of their skills?

Avatar Szeto

Managed To Make Volcanoes Erupt Through Sheer Will


Character First Appearance

The Legend of Aang, Season 2, Episode 1

First Appearance of Specialization

The Legend of Aang, Season 2, Episode 1

Feat with the Specialization

Caused four volcanoes to erupt at the same time by controlling the lava inside them

While Avatar Szeto is known as the Grand Advisor who managed to bring back the Fire Nation from the brink of economic collapse, he was also one of the most prolific users of Earthbending and Firebending in Avatar history. Such was his skill with the craft that he managed to tap into the innate heat of the earth surrounding him, eventually learning how to transform earth into lava and control it.

Before the series expanded the life of Avatar Szeto, his first major appearance was in a flashback during one of Aang’s earliest usage of the Avatar State. Here, it was revealed that Avatar Szeto was adept in the Avatar State and that he could easily withstand the eruption of volcanoes around him. Chronologically speaking, Avatar Szeto is the first user of Lavabending in Avatar history.

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Avatar Kyoshi

Created Kyoshi Island Through Lavabending

Avatar Kyoshi

Character First Appearance

The Legend of Aang, Season 1, Episode 3

First Appearance of Specialization

The Legend of Aang, Season 2, Episode 5

Feat with the Specialization

Split her homeland from the rest of the Earth Kingdom, creating Kyoshi Island

Perhaps the most impressive among the legacies left by Avatar Kyoshi wasn’t just her Kyoshi Warriors but the very island they were tasked to protect: Kyoshi Island. During the tumultuous era of Kyoshi’s life, Emperor Chin of the Earth Kingdom threatened to invade her homeland during his conquests. To stop this from happening, Avatar Kyoshi tapped into her innate Earthbending talents to bend the very earth and protect her home.

This “protection” didn’t come in the form of raised walls common among Earthbenders, however. Instead, Avatar Kyoshi tore fissures on the very edge of her peninsula and caused lava to rise, breaking apart her hometown from the rest of the Earth Kingdom. This transformed her peninsula into an island, which would eventually become Kyoshi Island.

Avatar Roku

Redirected An Eruption To Save His Home

Avatar Roku bending

Character First Appearance

The Legend of Aang, Season 1, Episode 8

First Appearance of Specialization

”Escape from the Spirit World: Avatar Roku” (Comics)

Feat with the Specialization

Redirected lava from an erupting volcano to save his home just minutes before his death

Throughout the series, Avatar Roku cemented himself as an integral part of Aang’s life not just as a direct predecessor but also as the Avatar who should’ve stopped Fire Lord Sozin’s initial invasion. This failed to happen when Avatar Roku showed restraint in warning Sozin against his plans to “unite” the world under a single ruler, as Fire Lord Sozin eventually left him for dead when a volcanic eruption consumed Avatar Roku’s homeland.

Screenshots of Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender


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Avatar Roku’s death wasn’t in vain, however, as the Avatar managed to use Lavabending to redirect lava from an active eruption away from evacuating civilians. While a second eruption nearby proved overwhelming for Roku, this isn’t to say he’s not as good as a Lavabender compared to Szeto and Kyoshi. Compared to his predecessors who demonstrated Lavabending through multiple movements, Roku needed only a single strike with his Avatar State to split the rampaging wave of lava rushing towards him. Aside from his moment of death, Roku’s training in the Avatar State left his body overflowing with energy, forcing the eruption of a small volcano near Crescent Island.

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Avatar Aang

Avatar Roku Manifested In Aang To Punish Fire Sages For Neglecting Their Duties


Character First Appearance

The Legend of Aang, Season 1, Episode 1

First Appearance of Specialization

The Legend of Aang, Season 1, Episode 8

Feat with the Specialization

As Roku, Aang destroyed the Fire Temple during the Winter Solstice

Among the Avatars that Avatar Aang often confides in during his meditation, it’s Avatar Roku who manages to sympathize with his feelings the most. As such, it’s no surprise that Roku was among the first Avatars to “manifest” through Aang’s Avatar State. This appearance became extremely notable during the Winter Solstice when Aang had to seek the advice of Avatar Roku in the Fire Temple.

Upon discovering that the Fire Sages had neglected their duties to serve the Avatar in favor of serving the Fire Lord, Avatar Roku manifests his earthly form through Aang’s body and uses him as a medium to punish his former scholars. Through Lavabending, Avatar Roku (technically Aang) destroys the rather massive Fire Temple with relative ease. While others argue this was truly Avatar Roku using Lavabending, he still technically uses Aang’s body, making the Last Airbender effectively a Lavabender by proxy.


A Young Lavabender Who Cannot Control His Potential

Sun the Lavabender

Character First Appearance

”Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy” (Comics)

First Appearance of Specialization

”Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy” (Comics)

Feat with the Specialization

Actively uses Lavabending in underground matches

Years after Avatar Aang restored balance to the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai, Toph Beifong established a Metalbending Academy to help other Earthbenders learn about her newly discovered craft. Being an Earthbending Master herself, Toph sensed tremors of lava controlled by Sun as he suddenly learned how to Lavabend. Belonging to a group of street children, Sun decided to enter underground matches to earn money for his group. However, Sun’s uncontrolled bursts of Lavabending caused them concern for his and others’ safety.

When Sun used Lavabending against an older Waterbender in a match, his lack of control caused the lava to melt the beams in the abandoned house where the match took place. This caused the structure to almost fall apart had it not been for Toph and her comrades. After the incident, Toph invited Sun to receive training from her and other Earthbending masters, especially with Sun’s unique Lavabending talent.

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Perhaps The Most Talented Lavabender In The Series


Character First Appearance

The Legend of Korra, Season 3, Episode 2

First Appearance of Specialization

The Legend of Korra, Season 3, Episode 2

Feat with the Specialization

Melted the Inner Wall of Ba Sing Se

When Zaheer reunited with his former comrades in their renewed mission to kill Avatar Korra, among his teammates was the exceptionally talented Ghazan. This Earthbending Master immediately demonstrates his skill with Lavabending early in the series, establishing himself as a threat when he manages to create a spinning lava disk out of three mere rocks to break himself out of prison. Throughout The Legend of Korra, Ghazan often overwhelms his foes with large displays of Lavabending through pillars, floorings, and even balls of pure lava.

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However, what perhaps proves Ghazan’s mastery over Lavabending is his capacity to inflict devastation on structures. Ghazan managed to bring down the entire Northern Air Temple simply by melting part of its structure. Likewise, Ghazan managed to tear the entire Inner Wall of Ba Sing Se simply by melting its foundation.


A Quick Lavabending Study Who Learned Out Of Survival


Character First Appearance

The Legend of Korra, Season 1, Episode 1

First Appearance of Specialization

The Legend of Korra, Season 3, Episode 12

Feat with the Specialization

Discovered Lavabending amid an escape

Sometimes, talents reveal themselves in the most unexpected of ways – such as when Bolin realized he could Lavabend when he was evacuating the Northern Air Temple, which in itself is collapsing due to an opposing Lavabender. Originally just a skilled Earthbender, Bolin’s constant encounters with Ghazan had allowed the former to use the latter’s techniques whenever he tried studying Lavabending. As such, some of Bolin’s first structures were creating waves and tendrils of lava.

Bolin eventually demonstrates better control over lava throughout the series, using Lavabending with ease to manipulate the environment without causing too much damage. In such a short time spent training the art, Bolin also manages to form lava discs similar to Ghazan’s lava shuriken.

Avatar_ The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender


Release Date

February 21, 2005


Nickelodeon Animation Studio

Number of Episodes


Fuente: successacademy.edu.vn
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