Demon Slayer: Stage Show Director is Indicted, Stage Show is Cancelled

Due to unfortunate circumstances involving the director, the Super Kabuki II version of Demon Slayer has been indefinitely postponed.


  • The kabuki adaptation of Demon Slayer has been canceled indefinitely due to “various circumstances,” leaving fans disappointed and uncertain about its future.
  • Demon Slayer is a popular anime and manga series that has gained international traction, making the stage adaptation highly anticipated.
  • The cancellation comes after the director of the show, Ichikawa Ennosuke IV, was officially indicted for his involvement in a double suicide, casting a dark shadow over the production’s future.



Warning: The following article contains mention of suicide. If you or someone you know are thinking about suicide, help is out there. Please check the suicide crisis hotline available for your country here.

The kabuki adaptation of the smash-hit anime series Demon Slayer has been canceled. The show was slated to run in Tokyo in February and March 2024 in Shinbashi Enbujo. However, the production company Shochiku announced that due to “various circumstances,” the show would be indefinitely delayed – and possibly canceled permanently, as there has been no mention of a replacement date at this time.

Kabuki is a style of traditional Japanese stage theater that is used to tell both traditional stories, and retellings of modern ones. The Demon Slayer kabuki show was meant to be a part of the Super Kabuki II (Second) series, which combines the traditional art of kabuki theater with modern technology on the stage. Kabuki is an art beloved by many people in Japan, and is widely attended by people from many walks of life.

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Demon Slayer is an extremely popular anime and manga series that has gained traction around the world in the past several years. It has had three anime series so far, along with a record-breaking movie that was released internationally. Its manga series is also popular, and it is a popular subject for collaborations and events just like this stage play.

The news about the Demon Slayer show came after a report that the director of the show, Ichikawa Ennosuke IV was officially indicted on July 28th, 2023. He was also set to appear in the play, though the character was unannounced. Ennosuke’s parents were part of a double suicide that occurred on May 17th and 18th, 2023, and prosecutors have said that Ennosuke assisted. There were accusations that it was a family suicide pact.

On May 17th, Ennosuke gave his parents excessive sleeping pills which led to their death. He also collapsed, but survived the ordeal. On June 27th, he was arrested on suspicion of aiding in his mother’s death, and then on July 18th, he was accused of aiding in his father’s death as well. Both were initially arrests of suspicion, but he has now been officially indicted for the crimes.

The Demon Slayer Super Kabuki II stage show would have likely been extremely popular, bringing together both traditional kabuki fans and mega-fans of the anime interested in seeing the story told in a new way. While it is a shame that the stage show has had to be indefinitely postponed, it will understandably need a new director before it can come back – if it can. And it will have to face having such a dark shadow cast over it due to Ennosuke’s former involvement.

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Source: AnimeNewsNetwork

Categorías: Anime

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