Edens Zero: The Crew Achieves Its First Victory in the Aoi Cosmos

The crew has landed its first victory in the new cosmos. However, this is merely the beginning for Shiki’s conflict-laden journey in the Aoi Cosmos.


  • The Battle of Foresta marked the Edens Zero crew’s first victory in the Aoi Cosmos, solidifying their place as new players in Poseidon Nero’s territory.
  • Shiki easily defeated Orc of the Beast Squad, showcasing his strength as the series’ titular character.
  • Homura’s fight against Mora pushed her to her limits, but her wit and battle intellect allowed her to overcome her seemingly unbeatable opponent.



Warning: The following contains spoilers for Edens Zero Season 2, Episode 18, “Star Drain,” now streaming on Crunchyroll.

The Verdant Planet Foresta was the Edens Zero’s second destination within the Aoi Cosmos, yet it soon turned into a battlefield teeming with belligerents. Three parties are pinned against each other – Nero’s Beast Squad, the Edens Zero crew, and Foresta’s corrupted androids, and the outcome of this conflict will decide the fate of Planet Foresta.

While the Beast Squad may have been formidable opponents, there’s no denying that these foes are simply subordinates. Defeating them was no easy task, yet it was expected of the Edens Zero crew considering their previous win against Drakken Joe and his henchmen. Nevertheless, the Battle of Foresta was the crew’s first conflict in the Aoi Cosmos, marking this as their first victory in the new cosmos.

Shiki Vs. Orc

Shiki Vs. Orc

After Foresta’s androids carpet-bombed the forest, the Edens Zero crew was split up, forced to fight each opponent individually. Shiki also got caught in the fire, separating from the rest and finding himself alone with Orc of the Beast Squad. Orc initially seemed to be a formidable opponent, given his effortless performance against the androids. However, it soon became apparent that his strength paled in comparison to Shiki.

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With a victory against an Oracion Seis Galactica member under his belt, Shiki has already proven his strength to be far beyond any normal Ether Gearist’s capabilities. Since Orc is nothing more than a henchman for Nero, it was rather obvious that he wouldn’t stand a chance against Shiki and his Gravity Magimech Overdrive. Their battle lasted mere seconds as Shiki overpowered and defeated Orc instantly – an expected conclusion for the series’ titular character.

Homura Vs. Mora

Homura Vs. Mora

Out of the three separate battles, Homura’s fight was arguably the most intense, with her life also on the line. Mora’s Hot Glue Ether Gear landed Homura in a sticky situation, forcing her to improvise and adapt throughout the fight. The sweltering heat from the burning forest coupled with Mora’s magma-like glue forced Homura in a corner, truly pushing her to the limits. Her bladed weapons also failed to slash through her opponent’s glue-like body, rendering all physical attacks futile.

Despite having all odds stacked against her, Homura was still able to successfully thwart Mora’s advance. The fight showcased Homura’s wit and battle-intellect, as she was able to overpower an unconquerable opponent with quick thinking and critical evaluations. Mora’s body could turn into glue entirely, similar to Britney’s formless body, yet Homura was still able to find a workaround to his overwhelming power. The entire ordeal further cements Homura’s place among the Four Shining Stars, as she has proven herself more than capable for the role time and again.

Rebecca Vs. Britney

Rebecca Vs. Britney

Rebecca’s underdeveloped Ether Gear can be rather cumbersome for her in solo battles, and her fight against Britney cements this very notion. Since Britney can transform into a cloud and lose her physical presence, Rebecca’s Cat Leaper kicks proved to be futile against the formless gas. Her speed seemed to be effective, though it was entirely useless against an opponent that could become a gaseous cloud. Without Happy and his Ether Blasters, Rebecca’s usefulness on the battlefield seems rather limited, though she makes up for it with her tenacity.

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Instead of fighting head-on, Rebecca’s course of action was to flee, with Pino and Happy in hand. With her untraceable speed, she was able to escape the clutches of Britney’s corrosive poison cloud with ease. While Britney may have been subdued due to the forest fire, she still remains an active player in the battle of Foresta. The battle proves that Rebecca is still significantly weaker than the rest, and her current place in the Edens Zero crew is akin to that of a mere support.

What Does This Victory Mean for Edens Zero?

Shiki Carrying Homura

The Edens Zero crew has celebrated its fair share of victories throughout the Sakura Cosmos. However, this battle was the crew’s very first conflict within the new cosmos, making the entire ordeal all the more daunting and nerve-wracking. Still, the crew proved its prowess and capabilities by taking on Poseidon Nero’s Beast Squad, a team of some of his strongest men.

However, it’s apparent that these opponents are small fry compared to what’s to come for the crew. That said, this victory, no matter how small, serves as a stepping stone for the Edens Zero to cement itself as a new player within Poseidon Nero’s territory. Furthermore, the revelation of another Gravity Ether Gearist residing within the Aoi Cosmos has made Edens Zero’s premise all the more intriguing. This opens up new ties and possibilities for Shiki within the Aoi Cosmos, along with some possible insights to Gravity Ether Gear and its source.

Fuente: successacademy.edu.vn
Categorías: Anime

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