Inuyasha was Way Darker Than You Remember

Amidst its focus on love, Inuyasha explores dark themes like loss, grief, betrayal, death, and even the complexities of the afterlife.


  • Inuyasha delves into dark themes like death, betrayal, and redemption among its cast of tragic characters.
  • The tragic love story between Kikyo and Inuyasha is marked by betrayal, guilt, and ultimately, a lost romance.
  • Despite the turmoil and conflict, characters in Inuyasha find moments of redemption and peace, showcasing resilience.

Inuyasha follows the adventures of Kagome Higurashi, a teenage girl who is transported from modern-day Tokyo to the Sengoku period of Japan after falling into a mysterious well in her family’s shrine. There, she encounters a half-demon named Inuyasha, who is pinned to a tree by an enchanted arrow shot by the priestess Kikyo after a misunderstanding. Together, Kagome and Inuyasha embark on a quest to retrieve the scattered pieces of the powerful Shikon Jewel, which grants immense power to whoever possesses it. Along the way, they are joined by various companions, including the monk Miroku, the demon slayer Sango, and the fox demon Shippo.

The group faces numerous challenges, including battles against powerful demons, encounters with rival demon slayers, and confrontations with the nefarious half-demon Naraku, who seeks to use the Shikon Jewel for his own sinister purposes, as well as Inuyasha’s brother Sesshomaru, who covets Inuyasha’s sword, Tessaiga. While much of the focus is on the relationship between Inuyasha and Kagome, as well as the past relationship between Inuyasha and Kikyo, Inuyasha also tackles dark topics like death and past actions, exploring themes of love, loss, and redemption.

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The Dark Themes of Inuyasha


The world of Inuyasha is fraught with tragedy, with characters like Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kikyo, Inuyasha, and Mayu Ikeda each facing their own dark and heartbreaking struggles. From cursed lineages to devastating losses, their stories delve into themes of vengeance, manipulation, and the enduring quest for redemption amidst the shadows of their pasts.

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Miroku’s Family Curse


Miroku’s story is a tragedy, particularly with his family’s curse and the loss of his father. Miroku hails from a family cursed by the Wind Tunnel, an inherited void in his right hand that grows larger over time, threatening to consume him. This curse was bestowed upon his grandfather by Naraku as punishment for his defiance. Sadly, Miroku’s father, Mushin, was consumed by the Wind Tunnel when Miroku was still a child, leaving him orphaned and burdened with the responsibility of inheriting the curse. Miroku’s tragic backstory is further complicated by his conflicting desires for revenge against Naraku, who is responsible for his family’s curse, and his commitment to protecting others from suffering a similar fate. Miroku’s story is a tragic tale of familial loss, inherited curses, and the burden of seeking redemption in the face of darkness.

Sango’s Tragedy


Sango’s tragedy runs deep, leaving a profound impact on her character and motivations. Her backstory is marred by devastating loss when Naraku, the series’ central antagonist, orchestrates the slaughter of her entire family and village. This traumatic event not only shatters Sango’s world, but also shapes her identity and purpose moving forward. As the sole survivor of the massacre, Sango is driven by an intense desire for revenge against Naraku, the one responsible for her suffering. Her quest for vengeance becomes a central driving force throughout the series, fueling her determination and guiding her actions. Additionally, Naraku’s manipulation of Sango’s brother, Kohaku, adds another layer of tragedy to her story. Kohaku’s resurrection as a puppet under Naraku’s control complicates Sango’s quest for vengeance, forcing her to confront the heartbreaking reality of facing her own brother as an enemy. Sango’s tragic delves into dark themes of loss, vengeance, manipulation, and sibling conflict.



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The Fate of Shippo’s Father


Shippo’s father, Ginka, lived with Shippo in a village and at one point obtained a shard of the Shikon Jewel. Tragically, he was killed by the Thunder Brothers for his shard. When Shippo’s father was killed, his fur was callously used by Manten as a decorative sash, a heart-wrenching sight for Shippo. This event fueled Shippo’s desire for revenge, leading him to steal jewel shards from Kagome Higurashi and Inuyasha. The confrontation between Shippo, Inuyasha, and the Thunder Brothers ensued, resulting in Inuyasha ultimately destroying them. The tragedy of watching his father’s fur being worn as a trophy by his killers adds a dark and emotional layer to Shippo’s quest for vengeance.

Inuyasha and Kikoyo’s Lost Love

Inuyasha and Kikoyo’s Lost Love

Kikyo and Inuyasha’s relationship is marred by betrayal and misunderstanding, particularly when Naraku manipulates events to drive them apart, leading to tragic consequences when Kikyo, believing to have been betrayed, plunges a sacred arrow into him, pinning him to a tree for 50 years. Both Kikyo and Inuyasha carry heavy burdens of guilt and regret over past actions. Kikyo’s belief in Inuyasha’s betrayal and her subsequent death at his hands weigh heavily on her soul, while Inuyasha’s guilt over Kikyo’s death and his perceived betrayal haunt him throughout the series. The love between Kikyo and Inuyasha is fraught with obstacles, including their differing backgrounds as a human priestess and a half-demon.

Their romance is ultimately cut short by betrayal and death, highlighting the tragic nature of their love story. The relationship between Kikyo and Inuyasha also explores themes of mortality and immortality, as Kikyo grapples with her own mortality as a human priestess and Inuyasha faces the eternal life of a half-demon. Ultimately, Kikyo and Inuyasha do not end up together, as he marries Kagome, Kikyo’s reincarnation, further showcasing the love that was lost between them due to misunderstanding.

The Haunting Tale of Mayu Ikeda

Mayu Ikeda

In episode 12, The Soul Piper and the Mischievous Little Soul, one of darkest sad episode. Mayu Ikeda, a young girl, dies tragically in a fire that she inadvertently caused while seeking revenge on her mother for what she perceived as neglect. Her soul becomes trapped in the mortal realm, consumed by hatred and resentment towards her family. A yokai known as the Soul Piper maintains her existence as a vengeful ghost, waiting for her to cross a line that would condemn her to Hell. Kagome, with the help of Myoga, learns about Mayu’s plight and attempts to save her soul. After discovering the truth about the fire and facing her own guilt, Mayu has a change of heart and seeks forgiveness from her mother. Ultimately, she finds peace and ascends to Heaven after reconciling with her family. the moment where the Soul Piper threatens to drag Mayu into Hell is undeniably dark and adds a grim tension to the narrative. It highlights the precarious nature of Mayu’s situation and underscores the consequences of her actions. The imagery of the Soul Piper pulling her towards Hell creates a sense of dread and desperation, emphasizing the stakes of Mayu’s redemption.

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The Takeaway


The tragic backstories of characters like Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kikyo, Inuyasha, and Mayu Ikeda highlight the dark and tumultuous nature of their world, filled with turmoil and conflict. Despite the darkness that pervades their lives, these characters find moments of redemption, forgiveness, and ultimately, peace, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Through their journeys, Inuyasha offers an exploration of the human condition and the enduring power of hope and love, showing that it is more than just a romance anime.

Inuyasha is currently available for streaming on Crunchyroll.


Inuyasha (2000)

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Categorías: Anime

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