Jujutsu Kaisen: Every Member Of The Kamo Family (& Their Powers)

The Kamo family is a dangerous group with many distinguished sorcerers among its ranks.


  • The Kamo Family in Jujutsu Kaisen is known for being conservative and having important connections with Jujutsu HQ. They have both reputable members and a dark history.
  • Noritoshi Kamo, an infamous ancestor of the Kamo Family, conducted cruel experiments and became the most evil sorcerer in Jujutsu history. His powers and abilities remain largely unknown.
  • The current Noritoshi Kamo, a third-year student at Jujutsu High, is a likable character who seeks to bridge the gap between the Big Three Families. His strongest power is Blood Manipulation, which allows him to control and manipulate blood for combat.



The Kamo Family is one of the Three Big Families in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Fans know this family to be mostly filled with conservatives and they are also believed to hold important connections with those in Jujutsu HQ. This clan is believed to be one composed of many reputable and prestigious members, however, they also carry a very big stain on the history of Jujutsu Sorcery itself.

The Kamo Family also place an incredible amount of value on blood lineage and traditions, which is what makes them unique, in a way. Fans have already seen quite a few members of the Kamo Family in Jujutsu Kaisen, with more potentially being revealed later on.

4 Noritoshi Kamo (Ancestor)

Noritoshi Kamo (Ancestor) Jujutsu Kaisen

Noritoshi Kamo was one of the most infamous people in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Fans should know that there are two characters in the series with the same name, however, the ancestor is the one that is usually spoken of. It is believed that the ancestor, Noritoshi Kamo, existed sometime around 150 years ago. He was believed to be incredibly cruel, with a cunning mind that eventually gave him the title of the most evil sorcerer in the history of the Jujutsu world. He conducted several vile experiments, likely under the influence of Kenjaku.

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At some point in his life, Kenjaku used his Cursed Technique on him and took over, leading him to do unspeakable things. His experiments eventually resulted in the creation of the Curse Womb: Death Painting. Noritoshi Kamo’s experiments were such that most records of them were erased from history itself. There has never been a more vile Sorcerer and there likely never will be. Fans can only hope that the story will dive deeper into the lore connected to him later on.

His Powers

Kenjaku in Geto

Fans do not know what abilities Noritoshi Kamo possessed. While Gege has revealed bits about him, there is still a lot that is kept under wraps. What fans do know for sure is that he possessed an incredibly high intellect and was one of the most intelligent characters in the entire series, thanks to Kenjaku, who used his Cursed Technique to possess his body at some point in his life. Given that Kenjaku is still a major character in the story, fans will likely find out more about him later down the line.

3 Unnamed Member

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The Noritoshi Kamo of the current timeline saw his father rule the Kamo clan. Not much is known about him, however, given that he was the leader of the family, he is likely to have had great intellect, as well as tremendous amounts of influence.

Given that this clan is known to have had connections with those in Jujutsu HQ, it can be assumed that this member of the Kamo Family was one of the most renowned people in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. He ended up being disposed of by none other than Kenjaku secretly. Fans do not know much about his past or the life he lived and, potentially, in the future, Gege will reveal more about him.

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2 Noritoshi Kamo

Jujutsu Kaisen Noritoshi Kamo

Noritoshi Kamo of the current era is named after the ancestor, despite him being one of the most vile sorcerers to ever live. He is currently a third-year student at Jujutsu High and is also the former heir to the family. He is one of the most likable characters from the Big Three Families and certainly one who wants to bridge the gap between the clans, especially when it comes to the Zenin Family.

He has often been pressured into following the traditions of his own family, however, he has, at the same time, questioned the thinking of those above him. After his exile, his personality has mellowed quite a lot and grief has filled his heart, however, he still intends to reforge the relationship he had with his mother. Fans can only hope that they get to see more of him in the future of the story. His story has been thoroughly enjoyable for the fans.

1 His Strongest Power

Noritoshi Kamo Jujutsu Kaisen

Noritoshi has several powerful abilities that he can make use of in combat and certainly the strongest of them all is the inherited technique that he possesses, called Blood Manipulation. This technique forms the basis for all the other powerful abilities that he has devised over the years. He can control all aspects of his blood freely and use it on other objects to manipulate them as well.

For instance, by coating arrows in blood, he can freely manipulate them as he likes. He can also increase the temperature of his own body, along with the pulse rate and, as a result, gain heightened physical abilities. He can also manipulate blood into long spears and pierce enemies from a great distance. He still has a lot of room to grow and fans will hopefully see a much better version of him in the future of the story.

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Fuente: successacademy.edu.vn
Categorías: Anime

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