My Hero Academia: Lady Nagant’s Rifle Quirk, Explained

Lady Nagant’s unique sniping abilities stem from her unusual Rifle Quirk. What makes it stand out from other quirks?


  • Lady Nagant’s quirk, Rifle, allows her to retract a rifle from her elbow for powerful long-range combat.
  • Key weaknesses of Rifle include bullet identification, limited ammo reserve, and close-range vulnerability.
  • Kaina Tsutsumi’s unmatched skills as a sniper far surpass even heroes with long-range quirks, showcasing her precision and control.

Lady Nagant, also known by her real name, Kaina Tsutsumi, is one of the formidable assassins introduced in the My Hero Academia series. As a former pro-hero and assassin for the Hero Public Safety Commission, she established herself as Japan’s top sniper and one of the most renowned pro-heroes before turning to a life of villainy. Much of her deadliness stems from her quirk—Rifle.

Rifle is a transformation-type quirk that allows Lady Nagant to protrude and retract a rifle gun from her right elbow. This peculiar quirk gives her a powerful long-range combat ability unlike any other character in the series. Let’s take a deeper look at Rifle and how Lady Nagant utilizes its unique properties.

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Lady Nagant’s Quirk: Rifle

Lady Nagant using her Rifle Quirk.

Anime Debut

Episode 133, “Hired Gun”

Manga Debut

Chapter 311, “Here We Go!!”

Lady Nagant, formerly one of Japan’s top Pro Heroes and greatest snipers, possesses the powerful transformation Quirk “Rifle.” With this Quirk, she is able to protrude and retract a rifle from her right elbow. She bends her arm up, so that her hand is near her shoulder, opening a cavity in her elbow from which the rifle emerges.

The rifle is made of organic matter, utilizing a semi-liquid sinew as a retractable bipod. Lady Nagant is able to manually load customized bullets into the rifle that she crafts from her own moldable hair through a hole that opens in her palm. As the rifle is composed of Lady Nagant’s own biology, it does not require explosive combustion to fire bullets. Instead, it uses the propulsion of her Quirk through bone and muscle sinew, allowing it to function like an air rifle. This makes it a stealthy weapon, as it leaves behind no loud bang or muzzle flash.

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Lady Nagant can also manifest a fleshy tendril from her arm that curls up to act as a rifle scope, enhancing her accuracy. She has the ability to dramatically increase her rifle’s power output as well, causing it to expand and bulk up. However, this carries the risk of jamming the rifle.

Her uniquely crafted hair bullets come in different variations, such as hollow-point or radio-equipped bullets. After hardening, they possess penetrating strength equal to that of standard ammunition. As they contain no gunpowder, the hair bullets maintain momentum over greater distances than normal rounds. They also retain their shape on impact while leaving no identifying shell casings, and they possess a high penetrating force against organic and inorganic materials alike.

According to the pro-hero Snipe, Lady Nagant’s Rifle Quirk has an effective range of three kilometers, showcasing its precision and power, making her one of the greatest snipers in Japan.

Rifle’s Many Weaknesses


Lady Nagant possesses one of the most powerful long-range Quirks. However, even a Quirk as formidable as Rifle has its limitations. Here are some of the key weaknesses of Lady Nagant’s Rifle Quirk:

  • Bullet Identification: Since Lady Nagant’s bullets are made from strands of her bi-colored hair, they can be used to identify her as the shooter. During her battle with Izuku Midoriya, he was able to recognize that it was Lady Nagant targeting him after seeing the distinctive dark blue and pink bullet that was shot at him. This means any bullets she fires can potentially trace back to her.
  • Limited Ammo Reserve: Because Lady Nagant’s bullets are crafted from her hair, she needs to keep her hair long in order to have a sufficient supply of “ammo” for successive shots or prolonged engagements against multiple opponents. If her hair is cut short, her available ammo will be reduced, putting her at a tactical disadvantage.
  • Close range vulnerability: While Lady Nagant’s Rifle Quirk allows her to attack from a distance, her rifle itself is still a physical object that can be damaged if enemies are able to get close to her. Agile opponents have a chance to evade her shots and launch an assault that could break her rifle, removing her main method of attack.
  • Slow Rate of Fire: It seems Lady Nagant’s rifle has either a slow rate of fire, lengthy reload time, or both. This is because she has to individually load and chamber each bullet. Alert enemies may be able to exploit the gaps between shots to launch counterattacks.
  • Strain from heavy usage: Using her Quirk while seriously injured, such as during the Final War, puts immense stress on Lady Nagant’s body. Her wounds began reopening after firing at Shigaraki, showing the limitations of overexerting herself in her weakened state.
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The Rifle Quirk in Action


Lady Nagant’s Quirk granted her unmatched skills as a sharpshooter. As Japan’s top sniper, she far surpassed even heroes with long-range Quirks like Snipe in both accuracy and range. Snipe once remarked that while his Homing Quirk could reach targets up to 600 meters away, Lady Nagant’s skill alone allowed her to exceed that range.

This was evidenced during the Final War when she managed to accurately snipe Tomura Shigaraki from the roof of Central Hospital, despite him being miles up in the air on the floating U.A. building, and in the midst of a heavy rainstorm – a remarkable feat. Lady Nagant’s marksmanship stems solely from her immense skills and clever utilization of special bullets. She installed microphones in some to send real-time messages across vast distances mid-shot.

Lady Nagant has incredible control and precision with Rifle. She managed to graze Izuku with a bullet, even with his Danger Sense activated. Furthermore, no one had ever blocked two consecutive shots from her except Izuku. As a sniper, Lady Nagant maintains her distance from targets and fires successive bullets to keep them at bay. While bad weather doesn’t affect her, smokescreens can partially deter her sniping ability.

In addition to her rifle, Lady Nagant was gifted the second Quirk Air Walk by All For One. This enhances her already formidable skills by allowing mobility in the air. She propels herself forward and maintains altitude by shooting behind her back, utilizing the recoil. Impressively, Lady Nagant also wields her rifle skillfully at close quarters, as seen when she jammed the end of it into Izuku’s stomach in combat.

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Through mastery of her quirk and sharpshooting abilities, Lady Nagant stands as one of the most formidable long-range fighters in the hero world. The Rifle Quirk in her hands is a precision weapon capable of engaging enemies from incredible distances with ease. Her story highlights just how much a quirk’s power relies on the skill of its user.

My Hero Academia is available to stream on Prime Video.

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My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia

Categorías: Anime

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