Naruto: The Unsung Heroes Of The 4th Great Ninja War

While not many people talk about them, the Sealing Team is definitely the unsung heroes of the 4th Great Ninja War.


  • The 4th Great Ninja War is a global crisis that unites the world against a common enemy, Madara Uchiha. The alliance forms an unprecedented alliance of shinobi from the five biggest ninja villages.
  • The toughest enemies in the war are the undead soldiers brought back to life through the Edo Tensei jutsu. These resurrected ninjas are curated by Kabuto and are nearly indestructible, posing a significant challenge to the alliance soldiers.
  • The Sealing Team plays a crucial role in the war by sealing the undead ninjas. Sealing jutsu is a powerful technique that can imprison the resurrected ninjas and effectively end the battle. Without the Sealing Team, the casualty of war would be much higher, making them unsung heroes.



The 4th Great Ninja War is an unprecedented global crisis, both in terms of scope and danger. For the first time ever, the world is fighting against the same enemy, Madara Uchiha and his cohorts, rather than among themselves. As such, an equally unprecedented alliance is formed, composed of the shinobi from the five biggest ninja villages in the world, Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure.

Countless people contribute greatly to the war effort. Amongst them, some are elevated to the statues of heroes, such as the five Kages, the commanders of each division, teams like Medics and Sensors, and also certain individuals like Naruto and Killer B. However, there’s a group of people who has a crucial role in the war, but often forgotten from the hero conversation. This is a deep dive into the unsung hero of the 4th Great Ninja War, the Sealing Team.

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The Toughest Enemies In The 4th Great Ninja War

Akatsuki Revived with Edo Tensei

Although the main enemy of the 4th Great Ninja War is Madara Uchiha, there’s actually another group of enemies that the alliance soldiers have to face before they even get the chance to see Madara. They are the numerous ninjas brought back to life through the Edo Tensei jutsu (Impure World Reincarnation). The user of this forbidden jutsu is Kabuto, and these undead soldiers are by far the toughest enemies in the 4th Great Ninja War.

There are a couple of reasons why the alliance soldiers have such a hard time dealing with these zombies. First of all, Kabuto carefully curated the corpses of some of the most powerful shinobi from all over the world. From the legendary Seven Ninja Swordsmen of The Mist, to the holders of powerful Kekkei Genkai, the past Jinchurikis, and he even goes as far as reviving the past Kages from all five ninja villages.

The second reason is the fact that these resurrected ninjas are basically indestructible. After all, they are already dead once, so no matter what attacks are thrown at them, their body will simply return to its original form.

Last but not least is the strategic way Kabuto uses these undead ninjas. He purposely sent the dead ninjas to face the people that knew them during their life (friends, families, colleagues, etc.) in order to make the living hesitate to fight at full power. For example, he sent Asuma to fight against Shikamaru and his team, he sent the Gold and Silver brothers to face their fellow countrymen, and lots of other nefarious pairings.

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The Crucial Role of The Sealing Team

Naruto Maki Blinding Cloth

Although the Edo Tensei soldiers are basically indestructible, there are two different ways to defeat them. The first one is to make the revived shinobi truly accept their death in order to allow their soul to break free from the bond of the jutsu, and properly move on to the afterlife. After all, Edo Tensei works by binding the souls summoned from the underworld and binding it to a living vessel. So if the soul manages to forcefully release that binding, the jutsu will come undone.

Needless to say, this is easier said than done. As a matter of fact, there are only a handful of cases where the souls of the dead shinobi manage to break free, with Sasori and Haku being the most notable ones. That’s why the alliance soldiers come up with a much more reliable way to deal with these undead ninjas, which is to seal them. No matter how strong they are, if the living manage to properly imprison them with a strong sealing jutsu, then the fight is basically over.

Sealing jutsu, also known as Fuinjutsu, is not a technique that is often taught in school. Nor is it a technique that most people want to learn. After all, this jutsu has limited real-life application. That is why there’s not many shinobi who can use this technique. That being said, on the hand of an expert, it can be a truly powerful jutsu. After all, fuinjutsu can be designed to seal all kinds of things, such as the limbs, the human’s soul, and even sealing a tailed-beast inside a human being.

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During the 4th Great Ninja War, those who can use a fuinjutsu become part of the Sealing team, most of whom are Sunagakure’s shinobi. They are scattered throughout the different divisions, and they are crucial when fighting against Edo Tensei ninjas. They may not be engaged directly with the target, but they are basically the one who can finish the target. Without a doubt, the sealing team has an important role in turning the tide of the war to the alliance’s favor.

What Would Happen If There’s No Dedicated Sealing Team

Naruto Gaara Sand Seal

Without the Sealing Team’s ability to end the battle with the indestructible resurrected ninjas, the casualty of war would be significantly higher. Because the alliance soldiers will be forced to engage in a never ending fight against the powerful zombies.

Without the Sealing Team, the only hope for the alliance to stop the Edo Tensei ninjas is by relying on certain shinobi that already has a fuinjutsu within their arsenal, such as Gaara’s Sabaku Sotaiso Fuin (Desert Layered Imperial Funeral Seal) or an Uchiha’s Susanoo Sword of Totsuka. Another feasible solution would be to capture the user of the Edo Tensei Jutsu, Kabuto Yakushi, and force him to release the technique.

Needless to say, both solutions are not only inefficient, but also incredibly hard to do during the intense global war. That is why the existence of the Sealing Team is extremely crucial to secure the win against the Edo Tensei ninjas, and also to minimize the casualties of war. And that is also why they are the unsung heroes of the 4th Great Ninja War.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

Categorías: Anime

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