Naruto: Who Was The Most Intelligent Hokage?

While each of the Hokage were exceptionally smart in their own right, who among was truly the most intelligent?


  • The Hokage in Naruto is the highest level in the shinobi ranking system and comes with many responsibilities, requiring strong leadership and critical thinking skills.
  • Intelligence in battle is not enough to be a great Hokage, as the position demands proficiency in various areas, such as mediating conflicts and directing resources.
  • Among the past Hokage, Tobirama Senju is considered the most intelligent due to his strategic thinking, creation of vital institutions, and ability to see things from multiple perspectives.



The title of Hokage in the world of Naruto is not one that is ever taken lightly, with many among the series’ main cast, including its titular protagonist, having harbored aspirations of ascending to this rank since their youth. As the highest level in Konohagakure’s shinobi ranking system, it is often handed out to the strongest and most capable shinobi in the village, and by extension, the Land of Fire in Naruto. Hence, the Hokage is an emblematic figure for the village and the shinobi world as a whole. Charged with overseeing the village’s operations, guiding its youth, and defending its people in times of strife, the role comes with a plethora of requirements and conditions, none of which are easy to fulfill.

Beyond their role as figurehead for the village, the role of a Hokage is also tied to the village’s administration, and as such, there are many additional responsibilities that may not come as naturally to most shinobi. Some Hokage were exceptionally intelligent purely in battle scenarios, but lacked the critical thinking skills needed for more procedural duties, and usually delegated such tasks. Alternatively, others excelled in both arenas. The idea of well-rounded intelligence is quite important for someone to excel in the role of Hokage, and when evaluating who among the past Hokage rise above the rest in this regard, the debate can be quite intense.

What Does It Mean To Be Hokage?

Naruto Uzumaki as Hokage

In creating the system of hidden villages which served the Five Great Shinobi Countries in the world of Naruto, the First Hokage Hashirama Senju also developed the role of the village’s leader — a post he ended having to take on himself. Therefore, shortly after Konohagakure was established, the role of Hokage came into being, with one of the strongest shinobi in history being the first to occupy it. Although there were initially fears among the Uchiha clan that the Hokage’s authority would just become an extension of the Senju’s dominance, but this did not come to pass, even though each Hokage generally selects their own successor.

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As a leader, the Hokage embodies the village’s Will of Fire, where the entire village is a family with the Hokage as its chief protector. Their decisions must always be made in the interest of all residing in the village, and skills such as mediating internal conflicts, analyzing pertinent issues, as well as structuring and directing the use of the village’s resources, are all part and parcel of the job. By the time of the reign of the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, the role has expanded so greatly that even he cannot keep up with its demands, despite possessing the ability to create dozens of shadow clones who can multitask in his place, indicating that it is now a job which no one person can perform on their own anymore.

The Intellect Required For A Village’s Leader

Naruto Four Hokage

Questions over who was the most intelligent Hokage in the series have plagued the Naruto fandom ever since the introduction of all the previous holders of this title with their revival in the Fourth Shinobi World War. To begin this discussion, the different types of intelligence assessed here must cover the spectrum of tactical acumen and strategic insight in battle, followed by their innovation and contributions to the shinobi arts, as well as their natural intellect and judgment. With these parameters in mind, there are a few obvious contenders for the title of smartest Hokage, each with their own unique claim to it.

From the outset, it might be easy to discount Naruto Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju. Despite their monstrous strength, which dwarfs those of all the other Hokage, keen eye for strategy in battle, as well as their prodigious ability in the field of ninjutsu, they were both prone to being overcome by emotions, and lacked the level headedness and sound judgment needed to emerge triumphant in this debate. This proves that intelligence in battle is not enough for a shinobi to be a great Hokage, as the position now demands far more than prowess in ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu.

The Main Contenders

Kakashi On The Day He Became The 6th Hokage

The Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake was known the world over as a formidable shinobi who had mastered innumerable jutsu with the use of his Sharingan. He played an instrumental role in the major conflicts of the Fourth Shinobi World War, and even participated in the final battle against Kaguya Otsutsuki, as one of the few characters who managed to survive the Infinite Tsukuyomi. While his talent for ninjutsu was never in doubt, it is perhaps his strategizing and critical thinking that put him above most other Hokage in this contest, where his reign was relatively eventless, indicating that he was very efficient at sniffing out and dealing with threats to the village.

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On the other hand, the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade was lauded for her contributions to medical ninjutsu, with the Sannin being described as the strongest kunoichi and medical-nin in the world. Aside from her Byakugou or Strength of a Hundred Seal technique, which permits the regeneration of fatal wounds instantly, Tsunade was able to treat those previously thought to be untreatable, such as Rock Lee, or Kakashi after being subjected to Itachi’s Tsukuyomi. She was also instrumental in protecting the villagers of Konohagakure during Pain’s assault and also supervised the reconstruction of the village after its destruction, attesting to her competency at every level of the job.

Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, had a relatively short but eventful reign. Having graduated from Konohagakure’s Academy with the highest scores in history, he was known as a genius and a prodigy from the very start of his life as a shinobi, and proved himself time and time again with his exploits on the battlefield. Minato was responsible for the creation of the Rasengan and was also very knowledgeable in the advanced sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan, and elevated the use of the Flying Thunder God Technique beyond that of its creator, Tobirama Senju.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage mastered all of Konohagakure’s secret ninjutsu techniques, and was able to use all five Nature Releases as well as Yin Release and Yang Release. Nicknamed the “Professor,” for his encyclopedic knowledge of the shinobi arts, Hiruzen was regarded as the strongest Kage in his time, and was also the longest serving Hokage in history. While could be a bit lenient and soft at times, his wisdom and intelligence were never questioned by anyone.

Finally, Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, was another genius who followed in the footsteps of his brother Hashirama, and played a major role in setting up Konohagakure as well as the hidden village system. An innovative shinobi who created some of the series’ most powerful jutsu such as the Shadow Clone Technique, Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation, and the Flying Thunder God, Tobirama had few equals on the battlefield, and he paired his vast array of ninjutsu (covering all five Nature Releases), summonings, and genjutsu abilities with a ruthless and calculating eye for battle. He was also a determined realist who mediated his brother’s optimism, and was also responsible for some of Konohagakure’s most vital institutions such as the Uchiha Police Force and the Academy.

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Who Is Worthy Of The Title Of Smartest Hokage?

worst Hokage failures in Naruto

These candidates all excelled at the post of Hokage in their own ways, but also had their shortcomings, as all great shinobi do in Naruto. Where Tsunade executed her duties well and was a medical-nin with no equal, her battle intelligence did fall somewhat short when compared to some of the others, and she was also prone to decisions made on emotion alone, despite the many merits she brought to the office of Hokage. Minato’s reign was far too short, and he was also quite young when he became Hokage, which is why he does not make the cut. This essentially leaves Kakashi, Hiruzen, and Tobirama in the running.

Although exceptionally intelligent, Hiruzen’s leniency and reluctance to make tough decisions had huge negative ramifications for both the village and the shinobi world at large, and was a character flaw that he never managed to rectify. In this regard, Kakashi did a better job of managing both the lighter and darker sides of being Hokage, as he was clever, calculating, and willing to make harsh decisions when necessary.

However, the only one who supersedes even him in this arena is Tobirama, who worked tirelessly to maintain peace in the village, and despite his perceived bias against the Uchiha, was responsible for giving them control over the village Police Force. While his statements did seem harsh at times, Tobirama always saw things from every perspective, created many of the systems that are now essential to the village’s operations, and also had to rein in his brother’s optimism throughout the First Hokage’s reign. Combined with his incredible prowess in battle, it is undoubtedly Tobirama who claims the title of the most intelligent Hokage in the series, and deservedly so.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

Categorías: Anime

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