Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 10 Strongest Turtles In The Franchise, Ranked

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have seen a lot of iterations over the years. Just which turtle stands above the rest in the TMNT franchise?


  • Moja has untapped potential as the most skilled new turtle, strong alone but needs to learn teamwork for success.
  • Raphael from Mirage Comics is a brutal powerhouse, demonstrating outstanding physical strength early on in the franchise.
  • IDW’s Donatello, with genius intellect, proves his strength through inventions, establishing himself as a clever techno-wizard warrior.

Ninjas, pizza, mutations, New York, and of course, turtles — there are so many reasons why the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) franchise is in its own superhero league. The four crime-fighting turtle brothers have been around since 1984, and since then have had some epic comic book runs and other types of adaptations.

A split image of She-Ra from She-Ra and the Princess of Power, Mark Grayson from Invincible, and Deku from My Hero Academia


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Yet, the franchise continues to grow, collecting multiple renditions of the main characters and their universe. These include remarkable versions of the turtle brothers, but also some of their lesser-known allies. With so many adaptations, this universe has some incredibly strong turtles with distinct abilities that make them stand out within their narratives.


Moja – The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution

Skilled Loner Bringing A New Wave Of Potential

Moja in TMNT The Last Ronin II Re: Evolution Cover IDW

  • Release: March 6, 2024
  • Authors: Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

As the most skilled turtle of the new group of teenage mutant ninja turtles, Moja has so much untouched potential. Within the new group, she is strongest when fighting individually, yet she struggles to fight as a group.

As part of the newer generation, she still has not been able to prove herself as the original turtles did, but her skills and strengths so far make for a promising future, especially if she learns how to fight alongside the other turtles.


Raphael – Mirage Comics

Strong And Violent Start To The Muscular Hot-Headed Turtle

TMNT Mirage Comics

  • Release: May, 1984
  • Authors: Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

The original comics by Mirage Studios had a more violent approach to the group of heroes, one that included the Turtle brothers occasionally killing someone. Although it does not feature the best or strongest versions of the protagonists, it still managed to establish the franchise.

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Raphael swinging; Donatello with a red headband


6 Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comics

TMNT fans can’t miss these great stories from the comics.

With the brothers still slowly evolving their own set of personalities and strengths in the comics, Raphael manages to stand out when it comes to strength. Still brutal and muscular, he demonstrates the character’s outstanding strength early on in the franchise.


Donatello – Shredder’s Revenge

The Best Playable Character, Striking From A Distance

TMNT Shredder's Revenge Donatello Juggling

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge


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Although Donatello is usually associated with his brain power, in the games he is usually one of the strongest characters. In Shredder’s Revenge, it is no different; the turtle in purple is the best playable character during solo runs.

Bringing a mix of strength and skill, this version of Donatello allows players to quickly handle enemies, especially with his staff, which gives players a longer range of motion. Although the stakes are not as high as in other adaptations, this turtle can handle himself, especially with his staff as his loyal companion.


Jennika – IDW Comics

The Fifth Member And A Worthy Addition To The Ninja Family

Jennika in TMNT IDW comic cover

  • Release: August 2011
  • Authors: Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

Although not initially a turtle, Jennika was a human member of the Foot Clan before being mutated into a powerful turtle. In IDW’s publishing, she became the fifth member of the Ninja Turtles, having skills similar to her acquired brothers.

As a human, she was previously Shredder’s most trusted assassin, a role that not a lot of people attain. Yet, she did not grow up with the Splinter’s skillful training like her Turtle brothers, causing her not to reach her full potential.


Donatello – IDW Comics

A Warrior’s Physical Strength With The Brains For More

Donatello in IDW comic cover

  • Release: August 2011
  • Authors: Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

In IDW’s comic book canon, Donatello stands out as the strongest mutant turtle. However, his strength lies mostly within his intellect, as he has proven time and time again how intelligent he is.

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Not only did he manage to stay alive by transferring his consciousness, but he was also able to constantly make himself stronger with his inventions. Overall, Donatello makes up for any lapse in physical strength with his cleverness, establishing himself as a true techno-wizard warrior, capable of fighting with his enormous physical and mental strength.


TMNT Dragons – 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Animation

Teenage Mutant Ninja Dragons: A Powerful Transformation

The Turtles and Splinter in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003

  • Release: February 8, 2003
  • Seasons: 7 seasons
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

Although this is neither an individual nor a turtle, in the 2003 animation the four brothers are able to manifest their avatars to become dragons, probably becoming their strongest selves. Yet it is impossible which dragon is strongest since they are not around for long enough to be distinguishable.

Top: Karai (left) fighting Leonardo (right). Bottom: The four Turtles from left to right: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael


5 Reasons The 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon Is Awesome

The 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon is one of the more faithful adaptations of the original comics. Here’s what makes the show an epic one.

However, this transformation shows everything that the brothers can be at their peak. At the end of the day, when they work together, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo get as strongest as any turtle or dragon can get, mutant or not.


Raphael – Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Physically Strongest Brother Plus Super Strength

rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles version of the characters

  • Release: July 20, 2018
  • Seasons: 2 seasons
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

In most iterations, Raphael is considered the physically strongest turtle brother, with Leonardo even admitting in the comics that the red-related turtle was the most powerful of the group. So, when adding superpowers to the mix, Raphael’s strength becomes undeniable.

However, his emotions can get in the way, especially when he lets the pressure get to him. Even so, his rendition in the Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and animation proves that in terms of physicality, Raphael is high on the pyramid.


Leonardo – IDW Comics

Shredder And Splinter’s Mastery Combined In The Most Skilled Turtle

The TMNT in a futuristic city

  • Release: August 2011
  • Authors: Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action
  • Comic book reference: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #23 by Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz
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Not only the leader, but Leonardo is also a centered and proficient ninja warrior, even beating Raphael in the 2007 animated movie. Out of all the brothers, Leonardo is the most skilled warrior in all the adaptations, yet he can surpass all other depictions of himself in the arc where he becomes Shredder’s pupil.

Although in other versions his skills could be upset by other elements, in this arc he becomes a true master of sword fighting. This rendition of Leonardo has the turtle as the only warrior that truly masters both Shredder’s and Splinter’s teachings.


Slash – 2012 Animation

Stronger Than All Four Turtle Brothers Combined

Slash after being mutated in TMNT

  • Release: September 28, 2012
  • Seasons: 5 seasons
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

In terms of raw strength, there are not a lot of characters throughout the whole TMNT universe that are stronger than Slash. He has the strength of the turtle brothers combined and their best aspects in one.

In the 2012 animation, he even got the backstory of being Raphael’s pet that eventually got mutated. Yet, he still managed to give the brother’s grief about being mean to his owner. The only thing that sets him back is the fact that he is not as well-trained as a ninja as the other turtles, despite his overwhelming raw strength.


Michelangelo – The Last Ronin

On The Path Of Revenge In A Cruel Reality Where He Outlived His Brothers

tmnt the last ronin comic cover

  • Release: October 28, 2020
  • Main Genres: Superhero, action

The Last Ronin comics offer a darker take on the TMNT narrative, depicting a future in which most of the iconic ninja warriors are dead, leaving only Michelangelo. Outliving all his brothers in a reality that is harsher than most, this heartbreaking story is a testament to this turtle’s strength.

This version of Michelangelo has dealt with a jarring reality responsible for killing three mutant ninja turtles on top of surviving the heartbreak of losing his brothers. This gripping, yet disheartening version of the franchise, really shows the strongest version of Michelangelo and will hopefully continue to do so in its upcoming game adaptation of The Last Ronin.

best tmnt games-1


12 Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games, Ranked

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have starred in many games, and some are much better than others.

Fuente: successacademy.edu.vn
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