10 Best Manhwa That Will Break Your Heart


  • Manhwa explores a wide range of genres, showcasing heart-wrenching tales of love, loss, and redemption.
  • Well-crafted storylines evoke strong emotional responses, making readers empathize with the characters’ struggles.
  • Titles like
    The Horizon
    Seasons of Blossom
    , and
    Whale Star
    offer unforgettable reading experiences.



Manhwa is similar to other forms of entertainment, divulging in various genres from action and fantasy to horror and thriller. There are also heart-wrenching manhwa that explores love, loss, sacrifice, and redemption genres. With the help of beautiful story-telling, they can elicit a strong emotional response from the readers.

10 Best Fantasy Romance Manhwa- Witch Of Mine, Your Throne, WInter Woods Related 15 Best Fantasy Romance Manhwa

Fans interested in fantasy manhwa with a dash of romance should check out the following titles.

Here are a few manhwa titles that will masterfully break your heart through well-detailed character journeys, delicate moments, and beautiful storylines. Readers will empathize with the characters’ struggles, tragedies, and relatable experiences. Whether it’s a tale of unrequited love, an epic saga of personal growth, or close friendship bonds tested by time and circumstances, these titles provide an unforgettable reading experience. They are guaranteed to leave the readers with lingering thoughts of the fragility of life and humanity long after they turn the final page.

10 The Horizon

Great Story Exploring The Crucial Aspects Of Humanity

The horizon manhwa excerpt with main characters amidst a war

  • MyAnimeList Score: 8.70
  • Published: Mar 30, 2016 to Jul 21, 2016
  • Chapters: 21

Fans of the Grave of the Fireflies anime movie will love The Horizon manhwa, as it follows a similar premise. It explores a believable, well-detailed apocalyptic world in which a young boy is on a lonely journey to keep moving forward. After losing his mother in the war, he stumbles across a girl and joins her to pave a new road for them.

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These post-apocalyptic stories fully capture the gloom and dread that comes with living in a world that has been torn apart.

Many readers have described the manhwa as nothing less than a brilliant masterpiece. With only 21 chapters, the story forces the readers to get attached to the characters on their journey. Even the art has a dark and gritty style that matches the storyline well. The author does not hold back with heavy questions surrounding war, death, and humanity. It gives the manhwa a beautifully haunting story that makes the readers ponder those questions for a long time.

9 Seasons of Blossom

Brilliant Heartfelt Love Stories With Great Depth

Seasons of blossom manhwa cover with main characters

  • MyAnimeList Score: 8.57
  • Published: Jun 24, 2020 to Mar 24, 2023
  • Chapters: 135

Despite the cheeky title, Seasons of Blossom will surprise its readers with its beautifully crafted stories. It explores four love stories set in summer, fall, winter, and spring. New readers might expect it to have clichéd romance stories, but it is nothing that simple.

The manhwa does a great job of tackling heavy topics of corruption, cruelty, and bullying prevalent in prominent countries. It simply doesn’t portray it with incredible realism and sensitivity but also explores the character’s journey. Seasons of Blossom does a great job of inciting the readers to relate to the character as they find their footing to stand tall again. It adds great depth to the characters and beautifully unravels the story. It perfectly captures not only romance but friendships and overcoming challenges as well.

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8 Whale Star: The Gyeongseong Mermaid

A character wearing a surprised expression in Whale Star The Gyeongseong Mermaid

Beautifully Tragic, Heart-Wrenching Story

  • MyAnimeList Score: 8.31
  • Published: Jun 21, 2019 to Jul 9, 2021
  • Chapters: 109

Set in a Japan-occupied Joseon in 1926, Whale Star explores the journey of a 17-year-old illiterate maid who works in the household of a Japanese collaborator. One day, she discovers an unconscious young man at the beach. She nurses him back to health, and during the process, he tells the story of the “Little Mermaid.” Relating to the story, she falls in love with him and embarks on a quest to reunite with him after they parted ways.

Hailed as one of the most well-written, beautiful, and heart-wrenching stories, Whale Star is among the few underrated gems. The author portrays each character with great depth, which resonates with readers. The story also explores people living in the historical era and the type of choices they had to make. Readers may hate a few characters but eventually sympathize with them after discovering their ordeal. The protagonist is the real star of the manhwa, where she continues to fight for what she believes in despite dealing with an unfortunate card.

7 Annarasumanara

Creative Story Concept With Layers Of Character Development

Manga like Oyasumi Punpun- Annarasumanara

  • MyAnimeList Score: 8.29
  • Published: Jul 2, 2010 to Dec 31, 2010
  • Chapters: 27

Annarasumanara beautifully explores the journey of children transitioning into adults and losing their dreams after facing the world’s harsh reality. It centers around a poor character, Yoon Ah-ee, who is stuck making ends meet while taking care of her younger sister, working, and studying in her parents’ absence. That is until she has a chance encounter with a magician in an abandoned theme park.

Although a short story like The Horizon, Annarasumanara is a tremendous thought-provoking manhwa that explores societal expectations and adults who have lost their childhood dreams. Eventually, it shows readers what it means to grow into the person they wish to be. It also teaches them how to face reality instead of escapism. The manhwa has a great art style similar to manga, with black and white panels instead of full color. In terms of the story, it explores how wealth can affect one’s perception of life and humanity. The well-rounded characters teach important lessons about keeping one’s childhood dreams close without mistaking them for immaturity.

6 Your Letter

Short Wholesome Story About Friendship With Good Characters

Lee Sori in Your Letter

  • MyAnimeList Score: 8.14
  • Published: Aug 11, 2018 to Oct 13, 2018
  • Chapters: 11

Your Letter is a short and sweet story about a young and righteous girl named Lee Sori. She becomes an unfortunate victim of bullying after she stands up for a friend in middle school. Unable to cope, she moves to her home city and shuts herself off from the world. That is until she finds mysterious letters taped under her desk. As she tries to uncover the secrets, she finds more and more letters.

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Despite having only 11 chapters, Your Letter perfectly portrays friendships with a beautiful story and art style. Three main characters, including Sori herself, are on the hunt for the mysterious letters. It is a wholesome read with well-defined characters that succeed in hitting essential notes. Readers will also experience many small and memorable moments where the characters express their friendship sweetly. Even the setting and scenarios are relatable, which one can enjoy in a single reading session.

5 Witch Of Mine

Phenomenal Story Explores Beautifully-Written Raw Emotions

Witch of mine manhwa cover with character Philipa

  • MyAnimeList Score: 8.04
  • Published: Aug 25, 2015 to Feb 3, 2018
  • Chapters: Unlisted (2 Seasons + Side Stories + Epilogues)

The original synopsis of the manhwa doesn’t do much justice and doesn’t fully explain what readers should expect. An elder witch orders younger witches to use their power to travel in different dimensions and time periods. She does so to help them experience love from a human’s perspective. Witches do not have any concept of love, and the story explores the younger witches’ attempts to get into a relationship.

best completed romance manhwa Related 8 Best Completed Romance Manhwa

Readers can enjoy these heart-fluttering and sweet romance Manhwa recommendations that are fully completed.

Witch of Mine may have a simple premise, but the author does a great job of depicting heartfelt stories. Each character is well-defined in a beautiful setting. The manhwa explores love from a different perspective from the ground up. It shows how witches eventually understand empathy, loss, and love in its pure form. The pacing is incredible, and readers can get closure to each witch’s story through the side stories.

4 Taste of Illness

Tragic Story Exploring Mental Health Issues In A Poetic Way

Taste of illness manhwa with characters Yijun and Suni

  • MyAnimeList Score: 7.80
  • Published: Aug 4, 2018 to Jan 26, 2019
  • Chapters: 15

Yijun is a loner who struggles with anxiety and making new friends. His anxiety only worsens when a mysterious black sludge attacks him whenever he feels overwhelmed without others’ knowledge. One day, he gets teamed up with another loner, Suni, for a school project. As the story progresses, it explores their journey of trying to open up to each other in hopes of a new friendship.

The author of Taste of Illness has done a phenomenal job of exploring friendship with an interesting concept. The black goo depicts how it can be physically demanding for people struggling with psychological issues to try and take that first step. Yujin is also a victim of bullying, which will make readers sympathize with him. This only makes the budding friendship between him and Suni shine brighter. It is a must-read manhwa by Ilkwon Ha, who has also authored Annarasumanara.

3 A Mark Against Thee

Dark Gritty Story Tackles Some Difficult Questions About The World

A mark against thee manhwa protagonist Yeop

  • MyAnimeList Score: 7.68
  • Published: Dec 24, 2019 to May 12, 2021
  • Chapters: 48

A Mark Against Thee is an underrated masterpiece depicting modern society’s dark side. It portrays the story of an innocent man framed for murder who was released 17 years after his innocence was proven. However, returning to society is different when his friends and family change their perception of him. Eventually, he vows to exact revenge on the parts of society that ruined his life.

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The manhwa has an unconventional art style, but it doesn’t degrade the quality of the story in any way. It is bound to break the reader’s heart and make them question the notion of justice. They will also feel pain, sadness, loneliness, madness, sorrow, and the very concept of right and wrong along the protagonist’s journey. As the story progresses, each backstory only adds depth to his character and societal flaws. This manhwa will change the reader’s point of view on how they perceive each person and society as a whole.

2 Days of Hana

Tragic Romance Story With Heartfelt Moments

Days of hana manhwa with characters Hana and Haru

  • MyAnimeList Score: 7.54
  • Published: Apr 5, 2017 to Jul 3, 2019
  • Chapters: 113

Hana is an average human, while Haru is her childhood friend, a werewolf who protects her. Although exotic beasts have started having rights, society still sees them as mere beasts. Haru and Hana eventually fall in love, but their hardships are no less than ordinary.

At first glance, Days of Hana may seem like a cute, clichéd story, but readers should beware. It has one of the most heartbreaking stories that will leave them staring at the wall for days. Without divulging any spoilers, the manhwa touches on some pretty sensitive topics in our society. It is an exciting roller-coaster ride filled with emotions. The story starts sweet but slowly turns dark, leaving readers crying for days.

1 For the Sake of Sita

Heartbreaking Romantic Story With Great Characters

For the sake of sita manhwa anime adaptation

  • MyAnimeList Score: 7.35
  • Published: Jun 13, 2014 to Sep 12, 2014
  • Chapters: 14

Sangmin Han is a Korean medical student volunteering in Nepal, where he has a chance to meet a beautiful girl, Sita. She has a tragic backstory: She was previously worshiped as the vessel of a goddess but then forsaken and outcast. Although they fall in love and get married, their love is short-lived with tragedy. Unable to overcome his grief, Sangmin makes a daring sacrifice.

For the Sake of Sita is partly based on the female character of Hindu mythology in the epic tale of Ramayana. As a result, some readers may not find it favorable due to the female character’s depiction. However, it is a short, brilliant story that touches on the topic of “What would you give up in exchange for love?”. Readers must remember that the portrayal is not on par with the mythological Sita and should enjoy the story for what it is. As a love story, the way they show their love for each other is beautifully written.

Split image of Roxana Agreece from Roxana, a hospitalized Youngwoo from Into the Depths, and a solemn Winter from Winter Woods More 10 Best Psychological Manhwa, Ranked

From dangerous manipulations to challenges of the mind, these psychological manhwa are simply too intriguing to pass up!

Fuente: successacademy.edu.vn
Categorías: Anime

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