My Hero Academia: Best Quirks In All For One, Ranked


  • All For One’s ability to steal and bestow Quirks makes him the most powerful villain in My Hero Academia.
  • Life Force Quirk explains All For One’s longevity, making him likely the oldest Quirk user in the series.
  • Forced Quirk Activation allows All For One to awaken and use the Quirks of others, showing his tactical prowess.

When the story of My Hero Academia introduces the megalomaniacal All For One, it’s immediately revealed that his Quirk of the same name is a frightening ability to behold. Unlike other powers, All For One can bestow Quirks and steal them from others. Such was All For One’s raw power that the villain is seen using the Quirk to simultaneously use stolen Quirks to unleash powerful attacks – an ability enough to force All Might into retirement.

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This frightening ability easily positions All For One as the most powerful villain in My Hero Academia. However, the All For One Quirk becomes more intimidating once readers realize that some of its Quirks may have catapulted All For One to astronomically powerful levels. Just which Quirk in All For One’s arsenal are the villain’s best assets?

10 Life Force

Explains Why All For One Is Still Alive Despite His Age

Life Force


Extend one’s lifespan, forcing them to age much slower.

First Appearance

Chapter 260, Episode 114

First User

Kyudai Garaki, All For One

One of the most surprising qualities of All For One was the fact that he’s likely among the oldest Quirk users in My Hero Academia. Not only was All For One among the earliest documented cases of Quirks, but he ushered an Age of Chaos that was only thwarted by the Vigilantes Era and its subsequent Age of Heroes. Despite these events happening within previous generations, it’s revealed that All For One was alive throughout all of them courtesy of Life Force.

Life Force was duplicated by its original user, the scientist Kyudai Garaki, before being provided to All For One. This allowed the supervillain to age much slower, practically doubling his lifespan. Despite this Quirk straining one’s body, All For One’s usage of multiple Quirks allowed him to retain his physique and physical prowess.

9 Unnamed Mind Control Quirk

Gains Full Control Of Someone’s Mind After Touching Their Head

All For One escapes from Tartarus


Read and control someone’s thoughts by touching their head.

First Appearance

Chapter 298, Episode 128

First User

Unknown Origin, All For One

One of All For One’s horrifying displays of supervillainy was the fact that his disciples in the League of Villains managed to wreak havoc even without his instructions in the impenetrable fortress of Tartarus. However, perhaps more horrifying was the fact that All For One proved he could escape whenever he wanted. In the mid-part of the series, All For One used an Unnamed Mind Control Quirk to touch a prison guard’s head to make him accompany the villain in a plane to get him out of the maximum security outpost.

This is the only instance that All For One used this Quirk. Should All For One have been more methodical instead of a theatrical supervillain, he could’ve subverted the wills of select Pro Heroes to do his bidding from behind the scenes and transform the Final War into a shadow war that is easily turned in his favor.

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8 Spearlike Bones

Likely The Oldest Quirk In Existence

Spearlike Bones


Release spear-like bone appendages from any part of the body.

First Appearance

Chapter 93, Episode 49

First User

All For One and Yoichi’s Mother, All For One

Despite All For One having a multitude of Quirks due to his special ability, among the best Quirks at his disposal would be the first he’s ever stolen: Spearlike Bones. Its original user is their mother, who already had the Quirk before the birth of the Luminescent Baby, who was the first recorded Quirk user. This makes Spearlike Bones likely the oldest Quirk in the series so far.

The ability itself has a simple description, wherein its user can create spear-like bone appendages from any part of their body. These spears are sharp enough to tear through flesh easily and can be released in varying degrees of quantity across different speeds. This Quirk is the earliest ability All For One had stolen and had used this as early as birth as a quick killing device. While its nature is simple, All For One depended on the Quirk in crucial circumstances: he managed to destroy Armored All Might’s Dynamight Bomb to ensure the hero doesn’t use it to kill both of them in their final conflict. Likewise, a baby All For One attempted to stab Katsuki Bakugo with this ability as a last resort, only to be thwarted by the young hero.

7 Warping

A Horrid Way Of Teleportation



Create foul-smelling black ooze from a target’s mouth that swallows them whole, teleporting them near a designated second target or away from the user at a particular distance. All targets must be acquainted with the user, and the teleportation can’t be self-induced.

First Appearance

Chapter 88, Episode 47

First User

Unknown Origin, All For One

The mysterious Kurogiri remains an important asset of the League of Villains due to his remarkable Warp Gate teleportation Quirk, as it can transport individuals with pinpoint accuracy as long as he knows the coordinates of his destination. All For One has a similar ability, known as Warping. When triggered, All For One can create foul-smelling black ooze from the mouth of his target that swallows them whole. He can then choose to send these targets toward him or away from him, the latter of which must be another person he’s acquainted with.

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Unlike Warp Gate, All For One’s Warping has several limitations: All For One can only choose targets he’s sufficiently acquainted with, he can’t use this ability on himself, the Quirk has a smaller area of effect, and targets with strong willpower can refuse to be teleported. However, All For One can use this ability with terrifying implications, such as when he teleported the entire League of Villains and deadly Nomus to his destination.

6 Forced Quirk Activation

Awaken Quirks Anytime

Forced Quirk Activation


Forcibly awaken and use the Quirks of others.

First Appearance

Chapter 90, Episode 48

First User

Unknown Origin, All For One

With All For One’s default ability involving the theft and bestowment of Quirks, it makes sense for the Symbol of Evil to look for a Quirk that allows him to forcibly manifest the abilities of others. This is exactly what Forced Quirk Activation does for its users, as it allows them to trigger someone else’s Quirk regardless of the target’s status. The Quirk is seemingly dependent on the user knowing the Quirk they’re trying to trigger in the target, and may even be used on the user themselves if they are somehow paralyzed.

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All For One used this ability on a few occasions, and usually to get himself out of trouble. The Symbol of Evil managed to force-trigger Kurogiri’s Warp Gate for a quick escape, while his immobile body activated Bloodlet to release himself from Stain’s Bloodcurdle paralysis. Despite its limited usage, a more tactical All For One could theoretically overload the Quirks of his enemies with the right timing.

5 Impact Recoil

Repel Any Kind Of Impact

Impact Recoil


Completely reflect the impact of an incoming physical force and return it to the direction of its source.

First Appearance

Chapter 91, Episode 48

First User

Unknown Origin, All For One

One of the most dangerous abilities stolen by All For One with his power theft Quirk would be Impact Recoil. As the name implies, this ability enables All For One to repel any kind of impact toward his direction and return the same force to the direction of its sender. This can spell trouble for the likes of All Might, whose superhuman strikes were easily deflected by All For One during their encounter.

However, Impact Recoil seems to have some weaknesses of its own. For instance, Impact Recoil doesn’t seem to be able to reflect indirect sources of attacks, such as the heat generated by the Hellflame from Endeavor during his fight with All For One. Likewise, the villain’s first usage of Impact Recoil in the series was done in conjunction with summoning Gran Torino via Warping, making the latter get hit by All Might’s attack before Impact Recoil reflected it. This implies that Impact Recoil may not completely repel all strikes.

4 Rivet Stab

Release Tendrils To Stab And Grab Targets

Rivet Stab


Release black tendrils with prominent red lines to grab and stab users.

First Appearance

Chapter 90, Episode 48

First User

Unknown Origin, All For One

In the major fight between All Might and All For One, the latter reveals his preparedness for his nemesis when his Quirk allows him to use quite a wide variety of long-ranged and short-ranged abilities. Of his ranged arsenal, All For One seems rather dependent on Rivet Stab. When used, this allows him to release black tendrils with prominent red lines that he and his successor Tomura Shigaraki often use to stab targets at extremely high speeds.

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While seemingly not as strong as One For All’s Blackwhip, Rivet Stab is seemingly the most useful with its extra applications. Similar to Blackwhip, Rivet Stab can also be used to grab targets. However, this time around, users have the choice to either make its piercing hurt targets or not. This allowed One For All to use Rivet Stab in conjunction with other Quirks, such as Forced Quirk Activation to trigger Quirks at a distance by stabbing victims first.

3 Impact Beam

A Quirk Capable Of Destroying Entire Areas

Impact Beam


Releases a destructive beam of light capable of dealing massive damage.

First Appearance

Chapter 382, Chapter 397

First User

Unknown Origin, All For One

All hope seems lost for All Might when he has to use a suit of armor to fight a youthful and energized All For One, with the latter hoping to drive the point across with Impact Beam. This Quirk allows All For One to release a devastating beam of light that can deal massive damage with a single shot. This ability was powerful enough to disable the darkness-empowered Light of Baldur from Tsukuyomo, and even knock out the seemingly-indestructible Gigantomachia. Armored All Might’s suit, whose integrated abilities were able to contend with All For One’s mixed Quirks, lost 66% of its overall shields with just a hit of Impact Beam.

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Such was the power output of this Quirk that it inflicts a heavy toll on its user. When pushed to its limits, Impact Beam can tear its user’s arm to shreds. It’s only thanks to All For One’s consumption of the Rewind drug that All For One can regenerate his arm after using Impact Beam. Should he acquire a more efficient regeneration Quirk, Impact Beam could spell the end of Pro Heroes in the Final War.

2 Search

Locate Anyone And Spot Their Weaknesses

Search Quirk


Monitor the location and weak points of up to 100 people.

First Appearance

Chapter 274, Episode 119

First User

Tomoko Shiretoko

One of the best assets of the Wild, Wild Pussycats team was Ragdoll’s Search Quirk. This allowed her to not only locate up to 100 people at once but even spot their weaknesses as well. Such was the usefulness of her ability that she was specifically targeted by All For One, stealing the Quirk for both himself and his successor Tomura Shigaraki. Having a detection ability has catapulted Tomura’s level as a threat to astronomical heights, to the point that Deku had a rough time outpacing him.

When used, Search relies on both the DNA and Quirk Factor of the person they are detecting to “find” them. Information gathered this way is permanently stored in the user’s brain – a feat that allowed Tomura to study and identify One For All’s users and abilities during his fight with Deku. However, overreliance on Search is its main weakness. This is seen when Deku tricks Search by using his blood to hold a One For All vestige, luring Tomura to attack the blood drop and giving time for Deku to launch a counter-attack.

1 All For One

A Mere Touch Can Steal, Provide Powers

All For One Quirk


Bestow and steal the Quirks of others.

First Appearance

Chapter 59, Episode 33

First User

All For One

The megalomaniacal All For One seems to have been built to become the Symbol of Evil, especially with a Quirk of the same name. All For One allows its user to technically steal the Quirks of others and bestow them to whoever they wish. The only setback here is not being able to ensure that the recipients of Quirks can even handle their new abilities, as a majority of All For One’s chosen recipients have become mindless husks with their new Quirks.

However, the most horrifying aspect of All For One’s ability is its power manifestation. At its core, All For One users can manifest the abilities they have stolen and fuse them with other Quirks at their disposal, creating entirely new techniques. Not only that, the psyche of All For One’s users is stored within the Quirk itself, allowing previous owners to “subvert” the consciousness of new users to control them.

My Hero Academia My Hero Academia (2016) ActionSuperhero

Release Date April 3, 2016 Studio Bones Number of Episodes 141+ Japanese Title Boku no Hero Academia

Categorías: Anime

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